Regular Dilemma

Regulator Dilemma
Revisiting the most popular MAHABHARAT story of victory of GOOD over EVIL. We all have best of companies, startups focusing on Artificial Intelligence and building various tools.

Regulators as Arjuna:
Regulators and policymakers are like Arjuna, who must make difficult decisions and take actions to ensure fairness, transparency, explainability, and ethical use of AI, similar to Arjuna’s moral dilemma on the battlefield.

AI Bad Practices as the 100 Kauravas:
The 100 Kauravas can symbolize the various unethical or harmful AI practices, such as bias, lack of transparency, privacy violations, and cybersecurity vulnerabilities, which regulators must confront.

AI Governance (Ethics, Transparency, Explainability, Fairness, Unbias) as the Pandavas
The Pandavas represent the principles of AI governance, including ethics, transparency, explainability, fairness, and unbiased decision-making. These principles act as the defenders of responsible and ethical AI.

The Battle as the Regulatory Challenge:
The battle between the Pandavas and the Kauravas can be seen as the ongoing struggle between regulators, who aim to enforce ethical AI practices, and the unethical AI practices that they must confront.

Lord Krishna could symbolize wisdom, guidance, and the moral compass that regulators, policymakers, and the AI community turn to for ethical guidance and insights. Lord Krishna could symbolize wisdom, guidance, and the moral compass that regulators, policymakers, and the AI community turn to for ethical guidance and insights.

This story line is understood and read by many Indians and even globally, a bit of google search and the Mythology is well documented in various formats. This blog is just an attempt to bring in the nuances of how each country’s IT committee or regulatory committee are struggling to decide between what is RIGHT and what is WRONG.
For someone getting a job due to a BOT is beneficial and for someone loosing a job because of BOT is a mishap. The balancing factors are needed.