2020 – Bapuji retrospects

Bapuji ‘I informed all don’t hear bad, don’t speak bad and don’t see bad but no one listened… and then God decided…’

The whole class echoes… ‘CORONA came in like a CROWN… and we were left with masks / face shields ‘

Bapuji ‘see I cannot come every year to give such lectures and sessions… please understand the importance of masks’

Class student Roja ‘Sir… but how to stop those protests all over’

Bapuji smiles ‘non confidence movement… satyagraha movements… so many movements I pioneered.. and all because someone or other were dominating and trying to create monopoly… I guess the mood of people cannot be stopped.. As long as they protest… it is fine’

Class student Zakir ‘but what about social media… so many hate messages’

Bapuji ‘In my days… news would need people… and even today the news need people.. this polarized hate… it is unfortunately directed both inward and outward… I had told all to boycott foreign goods and then.. after so many decades…. again same message… am amused… why did we first and foremost let go that principle.. and now when technology comes in.. we wish to become Aatma nirbhar.. how? so many braindrains… so many settled in foreign countries and so easy to preach… give flattering dialogs.. but of no use… ‘

Class student Samir ‘Sir.. we are not having jobs’

Bapuji ‘didn’t I teach all to have minimalistic living… we are caught in materialism.. no kids want to become intern for free… am fedup.. why you called me… here.. through that planchete etc..’

Class students ‘Sir… we are also confused.. when will Corona virus disappear’

Bapuji smiles…

Bapuji ‘are you kidding… vaccination and all that… when we talked of Ayurvedic science… all didn’t take it seriously and now we have that Cassia Cinammanon (Dalchini) being exported from India to China.. our spices… used by other countries to make Drugs and again it will be sold back to India.. I cannot control my laughter’

Class student Roshan ‘Sir… what you feel about our political scenario’

Bapuji ‘am laughing still…. wait… I never saw Circus in such way…. we stop animal from performing.. and just see the performances… you tell… me one thing… I never promoted my own dynasty so why will anyone wish to promote that… and not sure why someone will keep talking about my ideologies but ..was I not shot dead due to polarized view

Class students silent

Bapuji ‘Dear students.. do you know.. any protests create multiple hatred, revenge thoughts… people should not imitate me blindly… ‘

Class student Radha ‘Sir… why this boundary fights’

Bapuji ‘they did earlier too.. you know the trauma during independence.. divide and rule… had told so many times for all to be united..but who wishes to listen… can I ask one question to you.. am curious’

All students jump.. and say yes

Bapuji ‘who put me on that note?’

All look at each other..

Bapuji ‘every day am exchanged… then during demonetization.. more I got exchanged.. trampled.. burnt but a amused.. there were rumors of me being replaced by a lead’

Class teacher Anne comes in…

Anne ‘students… with whom you are discussing’

All echoe ‘Bapuji’

Anne ‘are you all nuts… why will he come’

Bapuji ‘dear… that Munnabhai made money.. but then.. no one really changed systems.. I tried to do.. someone trying now’

Students ‘our PM’

Bapuji smiles

Bapuji ‘Corona Virus… see the discipline which it is bringing in… all stay put in masks… all realizing family bonding important… and boldly declaring ‘covid positive’… so much transperancy.. and hand sanitizers all over… I love it all… ‘

Students ‘any last message for this session Sir to the world’

Bapuji ‘do not try to solve problems using my principles if you are not convinced… solve the problems where human will be more happy…. see today that vaccination investor became more rich then our industrialist’

Students begin laughing..

Bapuji ‘all need to change… that change is now coming in form of viruses as no leaders are facilitating those changes’

Students ‘all leaders are not bad’

Bapuji ‘all are excellent.. but we never talked ill of each other those days… so…’

Students ‘hence mask protects us from not hearing bad… not speaking bad… we do see things in bad shape… and hence refuse to follow your last principle… do not see bad things’

Bapuji smiles ‘it was in different context’

Students ‘Sir…thanks so much for coming over here’

Bapuji ‘am in Notes.. no one can forget me ever… am ingrained everywhere… not sure why’

Students ‘because… we all respect you’

Bapuju ‘Is it so?? I thought all of you forgot me… ‘

Students ‘so many leaders mention about you’

Bapuji ‘ok… am leaving.. 2020 is also ending… wish all a very happy and prosperous new year.. be healthy.. be safe’

Am a peasant (Farmer)

Farmer Rajpal strives in his farm to make his livings.. He has 2 sons ‘Rakesh’ and ‘Dharmesh’ and his wife ‘Diljit’… His problems are not the farm produces, but how he can manage the working capital for his produce every year. He wants Rakesh to be Engineer and Dharmesh to be Doctor..

20 years later

Rajpal ‘Diljit… am very happy we pushed Rakesh to USA’

Diljit ‘ and Dharmesh is also in his final years of MBBS in London’

Rajpal ‘but am worried with this unrest’

Diljit ‘why?’

Rajpal ‘do you know how we would toil every day in field’

Diljit ‘I still remember the lenders would just sign of those documents to give us the money’

Rajpal ‘yes.. but after every sales.. when we returned back money.. they would shred that agreement’

Diljit ‘very dangerous game played every day’

Rajpal ‘do you remember when Rakesh had fallen fully sick’

Diljit ‘yes… and then you decided to mortgage house and …’

Diljit has tears

Rajpal ‘Diljit..I know I had actually fought with your parents to get some dowry to repay back that’

Diljit ‘seriously.. I thought we would break up then’

Rajpal gets a call..

Rajpal ‘Yes Rakesh tell me?’

Rakesh ‘do not get involved in that protest’

Rajpal ‘has the news reached there’

Rakesh ‘yes’

Rakesh ‘Dharmesh also feels we should be away of this’

Rajpal ‘thanks… understood’

Rajpal ‘not sure what our kids think of us… why they so scared… we have been peasents for life’

Diljit ‘and then one day you decided to become extra smart and wished to begin sponsoring those more poor peasent’s wives to set small vegetable shops’

Rajpal ‘yes would pay them 500 for them to purchase vegetables.. and they would earn 800 and return back 100 to me next day as interest’

Diljit ‘so many ladies were annoyed.. high interests etc… ‘

Rajpal ‘but do you agree.. it protected them and supported them for decades’

Diljit ‘still remember the brawl you had with the local Mandi goon’

Rajpal ‘and.. then… one fine day.. I got surprised.. that same goon was willing to give produces at low rate’

Diljit ‘this demand / supply gap management.. only one’s who at Mandi’s know the issue’

Rajpal ‘farmers will get direct benefit it seems from corporates with this’

Diljit ‘how?’

Rajpal ‘I sell at 5 rupee, someone sells at 7, someone at 20.. and corporate get more better deals.. more discounts .. imagine the big business in retail malls etc’

Diljit ‘but then what happens to our business of lending?’

Rajpal ‘some basic pricing decision needed.. am fine if they decide a common selling price’

Diljit ‘so what you decide?’

Rajpal ‘am confused’

Rakesh again calls up

Rakesh ‘Dad… do not protest’

Rajpal ‘why?’

Rakesh ‘let good policies come up in the country’

Rajpal ‘how you know they are good?’

Rakesh ‘everything is explained well… trust them’

Rajpal says ‘yes’

After phone cut….

Dharmesh calls..

Dharmesh ‘dad.. need UK Pounds 250000’

Rajpal ‘why?’

Dharmesh ‘Dad.. plan to do MD and… a good news’

Rajpal ‘what?’

Dharmesh ‘found a girl friend .. here… we are living together’

Rajpal ‘you didn’t inform us.. not also your mom’

Dharmesh ‘Dad… just wished to share good news with you first’

He keeps the phone down..

A number of farmers come to Rajpal

Rajpal ‘what you wish?’

Farmers echo ‘will you be lending us or not?’

Rajpal ‘actually am not sure…’

Farmers ‘government not promising anything’

Rajpal ‘what you wish?’

Farmers ‘please support us on our protests’

Rajpal ‘why but?’

Farmers ‘we are confused… will they purchase at a decent price’

Rajpal ‘they will…’

Farmers ‘what happens when rains spoil the crop’

Rajpal ‘then?’

Farmers ‘do you know we had these agreements shared with you on blind trust’

Rajpal ‘why you don’t trust the government’

One farmer echoes ‘Rajpalji… you are like our brother / fatherly figure… we know you will not let us go hungry..’

Rajpal ‘so..’

Farmer ‘they may end up grabbing land… as we know the night mares when we mortgage lands in banks.. so cannot imagine what happens with corporate… this contract farming as it is never pays us’

Rajpal ‘what you wish?’

Farmers ‘tomorrow Delhi… do join us’

Next day morning

Rakesh ‘ Dad not expected from you… found you in TV.. you are shouting and protesting.. imagine the embarasment I have with my friends’

Dharmesh ‘hope you are giving me that money for higher studies.. will be really greatful’

Rajpal sighs..

Rajpal ‘we struggle day in and day out for our kids.. but this problem seems above anyone’s head… however I am only a farmer.. . need to support my brothers’