What is in Name?

Norris is a brand builder who is of firm opinion that any name can become a brand through continuous advertisements.

His fiancé Nancy feels brand gets built slowly and surely through quality deliverables.. She names Mcdonald and Target as examples..

Norris ‘If I wish I can even make Norris a brand name’

Nancy ‘Do it then’

Norris ‘It needs to be tagged to a cause, a goal, a purpose’

Nancy ‘I agree hence I said you need to also provide quality and deliverable’

Norris and  Nancy meets an individual who is passionate about books.. The individual wants to launch a large library…

Both feel the Individual’s name would itself be a big hit..


Soon enough Reader pumps in huge amount in advertisement and coupled with community based library set up at strategic restaurants all over US.. It is huge hit..  Only US5 read any books.. Restaurant business shoot up. Typically senior citizens love this concept

Reader is now renowned for his innovative technique and gets awarded..

Nancy ‘I admit advertisement budget do help revive any brand. Creates maximum impact but I got surprised by Reader’s style of execution. ‘

Norris ‘I agree he is superb.. See how well he penetrated the market’