A dark tunnel

A dark tunnel is one where in you get into the same knowingly or unknowingly, trying to figure out when will the tunnel end. If you choose to go backward,  you are stuck to the same old environment and if you go ahead, you will make mistakes, have accidents and you will try to seek help of other individuals who too are in same path trying to figure out the light which is supposed to eventually emerge.

To your surprise, when you come to light, you will not feel so comfortable holding hands of the ones whom you comfortably held hand with, when in tunnel and then slowly and surely, you begin avoiding them, leaving them to their own destiny and move on..

If you chose to hold hands of the same folks, chances are that they are your friends for life or somewhere they have stuck your heart..

and what about others? no harm still being compassionate with them, you did seek support at some point of time from them.


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