Dark Stories

a boy and girl were happily in love till one day, the boy suspected girl for causing him trouble at work and left her. 2 years latter, he realized that it was the jealous friend of him, who caused this misunderstanding so as to get closer to girl but.. what happened next…  She had hung herself ..

a startup went bust and the CEO just ran off to UK.. However his family members back in India.. bore the brunt.. till one day.. he realized that his only daughter had now taken to drugs and his son was found guilty of cheating a company of Rs1 crore..  He could have chosen to return back.. but then he felt, there is something beyond his control.. He sent some sorry emails and letters to his family..

Life can take a U turn anytime..

Suspicion, running away from situation can anytime lead us to problems .. sooner or later.. Better to understand the issue and sort it out, rather then bottling emotions and leaving space for more dark stories.


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