Startup 24/7

Joy ‘we need to work 24/7 to be up and running’

Mona ”common… 3 shifts.. it is too tiring.. never seen this largely in developed countries’

James ”chill pill..  we too overlap your timings’

Mona ”in this skype.. not sure why are debating this.. but virtual project management is always a challenge’

Joy ”do you know.. the biggest challenge a startup faces is SERIES A fund.. subsequent fund is not coming in easily’

James ”we need to identify entrepreneur traits.. are they employee in garb of entrepreneurs or are they just into this ecosystem because they are not getting jobs”

Mona ‘cool.. should we initiate a startup to put such scores.. it is very simple.. if you like independence and also flexible to work as team,  love to take decisions, strategize.. then you need to experiment entrepreneurship..  in case you are scared, not confident to face audience, feel dejected, rejected, insecure and like to balance life then please do not experiment being entrepreneur..  it is not your cup of tea.. do not then crib by that X person grew so well or became a brand or whatsoever”

James ”yes.. I agree.. Startup 24/7 is a philosophy.. not a pressure or a mandate.. it is thinking about what you love.. and be passionate to pursue that love.. it could be research on any field..  if  this ecosystem is not right for you.. then get into MNCs”

Joy ”common.. they literally make you work 24/7 and boldly announce 24/7 work”

Mona ”all assume and want a cushy job.. but that is possible only in government / academics”

Robert pops in ”Hey.. hi.. suddenly you put academics.. was watching this skype fun”

Robert ”you are mistaken.. there it is syllabus preparation, these days mandatory research papers, getting students is biggest KRA.. so seriously I too am thinking to be part of startup”

Mona ”cool.. welcome to this 24/7 circus of passion.. you just cannot think of being relaxed if you wish to build a large foundation or company..  if you wish to relax.. please relax .. this is not your cup of tea”

Robert ”common dude.. I am voluntarily coming into this circus.. I am experimenting with a research on identifying individuals who just cannot take any pressure”

Mona ‘wow”

Robert ”it is a pattern analysis.. deep learning..  check on statistics of how much restless you become just by slightest pressure of work or family or kids or anything”

Mona ”then”

Robert ”if you run away and try to meditate always.. you will be found in religious places for ever.. but rather then running away.. we need to guide them to work confidently.”

Mona ”then.. how it is linked to entrepreneurship?”

Robert ”these folks should never get into leader role.. they are followers..  they should reconcile and not be overtly ambitious.. then it would lead to complex personality disorders later on”

Mona ”wow.. you need to prove this”

Robert ”ya….  it is a hypothesis.. “I am a prospective entrepreneur” itself is an hypothesis.

Mona ”anyways welcome to PASSION again”