Golden Era 2020

James ‘Am amused.. that country is going through a currency shortage problem’

Toklov ‘yes.. one of my friend there mentioned that in lieu of legal 2000, the transport ticket issuing conductors are actually giving 500 notes just declared illegal’

Samu ‘What if the developed country puts a similar ban on their currency and restricts finance’

Arif ‘the middle east will stop petroleum too’

Xiang ‘is it not moving back to golden days.. exchange of few gold coins for some service’

Ram ‘in India, there is bhagwad geeta which says to win…a battle, we should remain focused… the battle has just begun’

Neo ‘yes and then we also had a king who got sick and tired of battle and on his way saw so many own kith and kin dead, that he got into spiritual mode’

Nancy ‘global economics is tough to understand.. very tough.. and any change management needs to be reviewed before taking a leap’

James ‘what happens next?’

Ram ‘just relax.. people will get detached from the currencies of life and look into more meaningful purpose of life… what exists today.. will be nothing tomorrow so why crib and cry.. just do your work properly and that is it’


Samu ‘Now what happens if someone stops someone from eating animals.. the whole world will be filled with animals’

Samu ‘what happens if someone underestimates strengths of any pillar or one pillar shakes up..  the whole universe will become weak’

James ‘am seriously not sure which way the universe is going.. but somewhere hatred as seeped into the mind and logic has taken total backseat.. and forget about color of notes or color of anything..  we have forgotten that universe gave us so many colors to enjoy the diversity and be united’

Ram ‘but someone needed to start that.. so what happened was good’

Toklov ‘to curb disaster, it is important that the 4 pillars be converted to 8 pillars and strengthen the foundation..  the greed of getting everything needs to go.. and it is in human to think what history did to cleanse a system or what history will be created to again cleanse a system and hope the warm feelings of love remain well.. ‘

Ram ‘I never saw a single queue of cars parked somewhere to get currency changes out here.. may be the rich stopped using cash way back’

James ‘yes.. had the infrastructure be improved first, things would have been different.. most of rural folks do not know what has hit them there…’

Toklov ‘not sure what happens to immigrants too…’

Ram ‘guys.. let us all remain united and be friends.. at least as long as we are clear.. we may just begin afresh and build a healthy co-existence environment for all to follow.’

James ‘cheers.. got to go back.. some folks want to replace whatsapp with their local branded apps’

Arif ‘what if a search engine bans self?’



Helpess Soul

The soul wished glimpse of life from its own perspective, alas the eyes which never allowed the soul to see life and stood as barrier. The soul wished glimpse of love from its own perspective alas the heart which never allowed the soul to feel love and stood are barrier. The soul wished to think of life from its own perspective alas the mind which never allowed the soul to think and stood as barrier. Poor little soul it remains inside us helpless watching the chaos around us as we chose to ignore that soul and even didn’t wish to listen to it or allow soul to pry into our life or mind or heart.


Melin “Huge data of mentally challenged people”

Melin was a reputed doctor working in Mental Hospital. He wanted to understand how folks become mad. ofcourse one’s who got mad not from birth but because of some incident or series of incident..

Melin “Dear Joe – I rely on you. It is full of unstructured data. Check what happens”

Joe ran a semantic analysis tool and found most of mad people think of only 1 to 2 words or paragraphs and repeat them almost 3 to 10 times in a day.. and keep engrossed on those words or happening around it.

Melin “Hope this is not true”

Joe “Seriously Sir. I ran the test so many times”

Melin “What did show…for Rosy”

Joe “Rose Rose.. Romance Romance.. Valentine.. Valentine.. Dance Dance Dance”

Melin “For Louisa?”

Joe “Abuse Abuse.. BullShit BullShit… Hate Men … Hate Men… Punish  Punish”

“For Francis?”

Joe “Politics Politics  Congress Congress… Leader good,. People Bad.. Bad, System Good”

“For Donald?”

Joe “Church  Going, Sunday Prayer, Prayer, Fear Fear….”

Melin “What it indicates?”

Joe “All of us are mad including you and me”

Melin “What is this nonsense”

Joe “You too.. Analytic Analytic..  Some decades back Windows Windows… Then tablet tablet.. then facebook facebook, then whatsup whatsup..”

Melin “Are you sure this will be proved?”

Joe “You want to lay a bet –  let us have hypothesis “Each individual do not repeat even 1 word ever 2 times”

Melin “Smart bugger”

Melin “Food Food it will get repeated right?’

Melin “Let us exclude all necessity items from the analysis. No it wont help.. let us understand so”

Joe “What do you feel I am obsessed with?”

Melin “Analytics”

Joe “Hence I got funded. looking at my passion and belief in Analytics – first round”

Melin “But your second round?”

Joe “You gave me a big subject now – if it is proved all are mad, then no one will be bothered to get angry or annoyed or grieve if any bad talk ever happens. rather people will feel the second person will surely do a PHD in that word one day”

Melin “How you are so confident?”

Joe “My wife kept saying me “You are boring.. your are boring.. and so on”

Joe “If you prove my wife is Mad, I will suggest her to do Doctorate in Boredom”

Melin begins laughing

Melin “Hope you understood BIG DATA and SEARCH concepts”

Joe “I know 25% of corporates going mad thinking of these words and repeating it”

Melin “I agree. I am also mad”


Case study and its relevence in PASSION FRAMEWORK

Once upon a time, in a far off land, there was a guy who got humiliated by a police and then went to dock yards and the story of negative PASSION began. He is one of the most wanted perceived criminal but is hero worshipped too. What exactly could have triggered his PASSION for POWER?

Once upon a time, in a near land, there was this group working on technology and small assembly software development but the vision of pushing the small in the big existed, the person soon began a successful role model and re-wrote IT and then moved on to be a society contributor. What exactly could have triggered his PASSION for HEALTH?


The first example was of a person who knew the system as his father was working in police and knew the loop holes and gaps and built a business out of those gaps. It is a classic example of DISCOVERY theory and heavy risks associated in this model.

The second example is of a person who knew the importance of small innovations but had to use a mix of DISCOVERY and CREATION theory by also having an underlying IMITATION principle to come up with a unique product appealing to masses.

Innovation begins when the product which is being imitated has constraints and the whole invention is to overcome those gaps, hence fits the creation theory.

Why two radical constraints given?

PASSION FOR POWER – IT COULD DAMAGE THE SYSTEM – It is the other side of MASLOW’S THEORY where over obsession for self actualization leads to actual self idolization and then the down ward trend of ANTI-SOCIAL, ANTI-SAFETY and ANTI-Physiological need engulfs mind of person. So it is indirectly going to affect the individual’s health

PASSION FOR HEALTH – IT WILL ENHANCE THE SYSTEM in long term as the SELF ACTUALIZATION IS ACTUALLY MOVING TO PATH OF LIBERATION through contribution to society. More innovations, More Discoveries, More Searches, More Researches, More products will get developed.

Hope you enjoyed this stark contrast and understood the theories of DISCOVERY AND CREATION.



So in case negative energies ever gulf you in your discovery process, step back, understand that you were created to do only meaningful positive contribution to man kind.