Don’t get lost in virtual world

Soul Searching – translated the Indian language to English

(Only entertainment but with a cause – do not get lost in virtual world.. life is all about real world too)

What is this busy day all about? In life we have 24 hours. Assume you sleep 3 hours, 21 hours work. got tired.. but what is my fault in it? the message by me will come only in this time. In world of schedulers, each minute is busy. Processors.. 24/7 type of job culture which we cultivated and in way ensured company organization took for granted and we felt but our hardwork, some back pats, appreciations..  but now if you didn’t get it. .. you got tired.. so what is my fault?

If you wish to loose friends.. so be it.. but do remember friends are one’s who will be besides you, take care of you, make you happy.

We get caught in personal space thoughts and soon you find yourself all alone.

At grave too, maybe 2-4 and if you are overweight.. another 4-6 to carry you.

What kind of life you are leading.. these social sites facebook, whatsapp, messenger.. and icons as messages? don’t you wish to see me in real?

If you are real.. so am I, so meet in real only.

Now if you feel, please do send at least an icon to let me know you are still alive?





Dear All,

This is to inform that soon bloggers will be replaced with automotive bots.. the bots just need  your theme genre, characters, the theme highlight, the location, the sponsor products and that is it…  a blog gets created automatically.

At at event Joy is bashed for this and all mention ‘creativity cannot be replaced with automation’

Joy ‘i agree.. hence this product is creatively designed to replace individuals and that way you will get interesting stories from the blogging product’

Maria ”is it not trying to push automation into heart of people’

Joy ”do you know we dont need clerks..  we need nothing.. just program an annual expense projection and map all your credit card to that product.. at each swipe, intelligently it will go to various budget category.. and no need to worry on tax returns.. it will do it for you’

Maria ‘so in nutshell creating more jobless folks’

Joy ‘common.. mechanism of planning life too exists.. automation can make your heart think and fall in love to only ones whose chemistry matches.. IoT interventions you know.. so…

Rose ”Joy.. wish you had done this before.. at least we both could have saved ourselves from not being with each other for even 1 day”

All burst laughing

Joy ”automation.. will do everything.. ”

Maria ”are we wishing to have robots coming as babies from womb?”

Joy ‘not really but there is a mythology belief that Abhimanyu was taught how to get into war when he was in womb.. the Indian mythology so”

Harish ‘he got caught and died too”

Joy ”innovation begins when a research fails…  just imagine your kid programmed by you”

Sofia ”Joy.. the conference ended way back.. all left.. why you so obsessed with automation”

Sofia suddenly sees a softened Joy..

Joy ”see the whole industry wants automation.. so am going by the trend.. however I feel the beauty of simplicity is being lost.. the hardwork becomes meaningless.. all want 24/7 zombies..”

Sofia kisses Joy in his lips..

Joy ‘not sure.. if this too will get automated one day”

Both burst laughing


Golden Era 2020

James ‘Am amused.. that country is going through a currency shortage problem’

Toklov ‘yes.. one of my friend there mentioned that in lieu of legal 2000, the transport ticket issuing conductors are actually giving 500 notes just declared illegal’

Samu ‘What if the developed country puts a similar ban on their currency and restricts finance’

Arif ‘the middle east will stop petroleum too’

Xiang ‘is it not moving back to golden days.. exchange of few gold coins for some service’

Ram ‘in India, there is bhagwad geeta which says to win…a battle, we should remain focused… the battle has just begun’

Neo ‘yes and then we also had a king who got sick and tired of battle and on his way saw so many own kith and kin dead, that he got into spiritual mode’

Nancy ‘global economics is tough to understand.. very tough.. and any change management needs to be reviewed before taking a leap’

James ‘what happens next?’

Ram ‘just relax.. people will get detached from the currencies of life and look into more meaningful purpose of life… what exists today.. will be nothing tomorrow so why crib and cry.. just do your work properly and that is it’


Samu ‘Now what happens if someone stops someone from eating animals.. the whole world will be filled with animals’

Samu ‘what happens if someone underestimates strengths of any pillar or one pillar shakes up..  the whole universe will become weak’

James ‘am seriously not sure which way the universe is going.. but somewhere hatred as seeped into the mind and logic has taken total backseat.. and forget about color of notes or color of anything..  we have forgotten that universe gave us so many colors to enjoy the diversity and be united’

Ram ‘but someone needed to start that.. so what happened was good’

Toklov ‘to curb disaster, it is important that the 4 pillars be converted to 8 pillars and strengthen the foundation..  the greed of getting everything needs to go.. and it is in human to think what history did to cleanse a system or what history will be created to again cleanse a system and hope the warm feelings of love remain well.. ‘

Ram ‘I never saw a single queue of cars parked somewhere to get currency changes out here.. may be the rich stopped using cash way back’

James ‘yes.. had the infrastructure be improved first, things would have been different.. most of rural folks do not know what has hit them there…’

Toklov ‘not sure what happens to immigrants too…’

Ram ‘guys.. let us all remain united and be friends.. at least as long as we are clear.. we may just begin afresh and build a healthy co-existence environment for all to follow.’

James ‘cheers.. got to go back.. some folks want to replace whatsapp with their local branded apps’

Arif ‘what if a search engine bans self?’



Naughty Donkey

“Wait i will kick you if you stand behind me”

All the potential entrepreneur look at this amazing donkey but with fear.. It is their first day at accelerator ‘Donkey’s not allowed’

What is this accelerator all about?

It is for one’s which strictly love innovation’

One entrepreneur musters courage to cross the gate which is the only one to enter the accelerator. The donkey will allow if you sit on it and ride through the 100 meters journey.. The donkey may imitate horse and gallop, can decide to twist, sleep and it has its remote controls in the ear. You need to pass that journey. 

The entrepreneurs wonder why is this the top notch accelerator in the world.

A girl who just got funded whispers “Because they make you work like donkey’s inside and ensure you get funded”

A potential entrepreneur ‘What if am not able to understand those controls and fail to reach 100 meter”

The girl “You failed. They have kicked you from behind”

Who runs this?

“A donkey – that person doesn’t get tired of grooming entrepreneurs”

Why is he so naughty?

He is innovative and feels for a donkey ride you need to have courage. All will not have it. 

You need to be shameless – All may not be shameless

You need to work hard – All may not work hard

You need to have patience – all may not have patience

Hearing all this 5 potential entrepreneurs talk among each other “We don’t fit this. Let us try other accelerators”