Golden Era 2020

James ‘Am amused.. that country is going through a currency shortage problem’

Toklov ‘yes.. one of my friend there mentioned that in lieu of legal 2000, the transport ticket issuing conductors are actually giving 500 notes just declared illegal’

Samu ‘What if the developed country puts a similar ban on their currency and restricts finance’

Arif ‘the middle east will stop petroleum too’

Xiang ‘is it not moving back to golden days.. exchange of few gold coins for some service’

Ram ‘in India, there is bhagwad geeta which says to win…a battle, we should remain focused… the battle has just begun’

Neo ‘yes and then we also had a king who got sick and tired of battle and on his way saw so many own kith and kin dead, that he got into spiritual mode’

Nancy ‘global economics is tough to understand.. very tough.. and any change management needs to be reviewed before taking a leap’

James ‘what happens next?’

Ram ‘just relax.. people will get detached from the currencies of life and look into more meaningful purpose of life… what exists today.. will be nothing tomorrow so why crib and cry.. just do your work properly and that is it’


Samu ‘Now what happens if someone stops someone from eating animals.. the whole world will be filled with animals’

Samu ‘what happens if someone underestimates strengths of any pillar or one pillar shakes up..  the whole universe will become weak’

James ‘am seriously not sure which way the universe is going.. but somewhere hatred as seeped into the mind and logic has taken total backseat.. and forget about color of notes or color of anything..  we have forgotten that universe gave us so many colors to enjoy the diversity and be united’

Ram ‘but someone needed to start that.. so what happened was good’

Toklov ‘to curb disaster, it is important that the 4 pillars be converted to 8 pillars and strengthen the foundation..  the greed of getting everything needs to go.. and it is in human to think what history did to cleanse a system or what history will be created to again cleanse a system and hope the warm feelings of love remain well.. ‘

Ram ‘I never saw a single queue of cars parked somewhere to get currency changes out here.. may be the rich stopped using cash way back’

James ‘yes.. had the infrastructure be improved first, things would have been different.. most of rural folks do not know what has hit them there…’

Toklov ‘not sure what happens to immigrants too…’

Ram ‘guys.. let us all remain united and be friends.. at least as long as we are clear.. we may just begin afresh and build a healthy co-existence environment for all to follow.’

James ‘cheers.. got to go back.. some folks want to replace whatsapp with their local branded apps’

Arif ‘what if a search engine bans self?’



Little Soldier

Little Soldier fighting all the way

in heart all the malice

in mind all the confusion

in ear all the noise

in lips all the dryness

Little Solider fighting all the way

in heart all the hate

in mind all the evil

in ear all the irritation

in nose all the odor

Little Soldier our soul

fights it always

struggles with always

our body which we

care less every day

our body lost in

the mindless mind

heartless heart

to not stop the

noise and smell

of vehicles and fuel

to control pollution dear…

What you thought? to control self?

John baba writes this today…

I am in Bench

Jack ‘I am in Bench.. hope these guys don’t give me pink slip’

Frank ‘Don’t worry.. I too will soon. Project ends next month’

Jassi ‘What is this bench? Do you sit on bench? ‘

Frank begins laughing

Jack ‘Jassi, you are really naïve. It is not like your gas business, where you just have gas filled and customers pay money for fuel and you keep earning money.. Here in this whole world bench concept is well known. Bench is a dreaded word. It means you are no longer wanted in the project. If project ends or non performance, either way a person can come on bench’

Jassi ‘Why bench, why they didn’t coin it as Idle or No Work.. why bench’

Frank ‘Un employed labors in many countries sit on road or in some road side garden bench reading news paper or gossiping.. Di you get it?’

Jassi  ‘God tussi good name.. Frank’

Frank ‘What is tussi?’

Jassi ‘Am Sardar from India, Tussi means you in Punjabi’

Diana steps in..

Diana ‘Hey I got a call from your wife Julie’

Jack ‘What happened?’

Diana ‘She says she is fedup with you as you are in bench every 3 months and uncertainty makes you get worried. You drink and even abuse her.. It seems you called her up and told you are in bench. She plans to separate out for periods when you are in bench’

Jassi ‘Bench – can you work in petrol pump that period?’ Julie will not leave then’

Frank ‘You stupid.. She will divorce him, if she knows that.. She is project manager.. She doesn’t need to be in bench. She is holding key position in company’

Jassi ‘What is project?’

Frank ‘setting up petrol pump is a project.. managing petrol pump is service. project completes support begins.. support is also service’

Jassi laughs

Jassi ‘So Julie is stopping to give service to Jack’

Diana begins laughing

Diana ‘Julie is not a project for Jack. She is a support to him.. ‘

Jassi ‘She is not supporting him means she is not servicing him’

Frank ‘Let us not argue.. Poor Jack.. Let us try to search for him a job’

Jassi ‘Why doesn’t he make a product for me in parallel. If it clicks.. it clicks’

1 month latter

Jack ‘Jassi thanks for your advice.. This consulting business bloody sucks. Top to bottom… only do recruitment, resource management..  god knows what.. every 3- 6 months fear.. Fear of relocation, fear of job loss. Hourly rate workers.. ‘

Jassi ‘Have lassi’

Jack ‘what is it?’

Jassi ‘In Punjab we give sweet  curd.. we grind it well.. it is LASSI’

Frank ‘Jack.. your product has been referred by Jassi to his entire petrol pump fraternity.. 100 customers.. You are getting investment soon’

Diana  ‘Hey how is Julie?’

Jack ‘Seperated . but will surprise her..once I get invested’

Jack gets 100000 US$…

All friends party…

Frank ‘He is now an entrepreneur.. We all are.. We are founders’

Dian calls Jack aside and whispers ‘Julie is wanting divorce. She feels your revenue flow will be uncertain.. She is scared you will abuse her more’

Frank and Jassi walk to them

Jack is feeling low

After coaxing Jack narrates that he will soon be on bench in personal life too.

Jassi gets annoyed..

He asks Diana to call Julie to the party

Julie reluctantly comes

Jassi ‘In India marriage is valued even today. At least in common man .. We don’t separate out because of job loss or entrepreneurship.. I am running petrol pump.. My wife is happy.. And Jack.. don’t trouble Julie.. She is nice person.. Don’t abuse her..   Even in India these days separation, divorce is common.. but unless some grave problem not there.. learn to face life and remain united’

Julie and Jack are dazed

Jassi ‘Am gold medalist Punjab university mechanical engineer. but my college unknown here. so I got to bench 8 years back. my wife coaxed me to start petrol pump. Hence I believe respect to any work should exist

Julie hugs Jack and says ‘I am sorry’

Jack ‘Julie tussi great. Jassi tussi great.’


Fuel talks

Petrol ‘I don’t pollute much’

Diesel ‘It is ok; some pollution not too bad for health’

Kerosene ‘I have a nasty smell but it is fine… some like it too’

Charcoal ‘It is fine; if folks get dark.. why sit and tan; when am available’

Jose ‘Why are you writing all this?’

James ‘Buddy – traffic clearing.. lots of smoke.. so thought to write all this’

Jose ‘Are you nuts?’

James ‘Why? A good blogger should write stories out of anything’

Jose begins laughing..

James ‘A tanker fell; road got jammed.. A life out there moving upwards; A life in front who are helpless spectators and who cares for life in this busy schedule.. Hence drive slowly. drive without consuming drinks and save your family from a loss’

Vehicle Talks

Scooter ‘Every day a gas in me, just have got tired.. and then universally people don’t like gas in the their body but I have to bear this mess everyday and when I emit, all put hand in their nose as I pollute the environment’

Jeep ‘Me too. Sometimes they are so harsh, they bounce me in tough terrain and it is petrol or diesel or anything.. two ways to generate fuel’

Scooter ‘Am tired of this life’

Jeep ‘Me too’

Scooter ‘This girl in my scooter, can you take her in your jeep’

Jeep ‘What will you do..’

Scooter ‘Want to take rest’  and soon the scooter skids.. the girl falls

Jeep stops, the boy gets up from Jeep and gives hand to the girl..

Girl traveling in Jeep

Scooter ‘Why cannot folks make something using solar light and replace this gas forever. It even controls air pollution and contributes to environment welfare’

Next day the girl.. picks up the scooter from vehicle office..

Officer ‘The scooter was cleaned and all gas removed for the same.. See how fresh and happy it looks’

The girl takes the scooter to nearest petrol pump and the scooter is looking angrily at her..

Oil which lost its way..

News splash all over ‘No Fuel for the next 3 months as Aliens from Mars hit all the major refineries.. It happened in flash of minutes.. and globe is on red alert with attacks from Aliens..

Mr. Job “Hey here we have people fighting for oil and someone from Mars is taking advantage of this situation and capturing oil rigs, refineries and none of Army, Navy and Air force from any country can stop it. It is unknown force..”

Preeta is Job’s best friend. Job is an oil rig expert and is world known to identify locations for exploring oil..

Preeta ‘Good the world deserves this and with so much of fuel wastages unnecessarily and all type of wars around, it is better Aliens bring in logic to our way of thought processes’

Job ‘Preeta this is not done.. The demands have increased, hence the struggle.. Am researching on all types of material to bring in fuel, reduce costs but.. it is a huge tasks. Funds too not available’

Preeta see’s the news and begins laughing..

Preeta ‘None from US or Europe or India or Singapore or Japan can even go out of their house to companies.. it is a man made disaster’..

Job ‘Let me talk to the Aliens through my tool and check why they did so’

Job moves his gadgets and Aliens come..

Job ‘Why so?’

Alien ‘We want the oil to move to Mars..’

Job ‘Why?’

Alien ‘It seems the Oil Tycoon from earth got killed in the war and has moved up and requested god to help people in earth learn a lesson of their life to make them understand irrational power games with no concern for humanity, what could be the impact.. So wants to dry the world’

Job ‘It is dangerous’

Alien ‘In front of him. all the family members of his entire company got killed, then they killed him too’

Job ‘I will plead him to have mercy…’

Alien ‘OK let us check’

Next day Job brings the Tycoon through his powers and Tycoon along with 100s of Aliens seen on his screen..

Tycoon ‘Job – not possible. 90 days from now, no oil in the world’

Job ‘Please.. don’t do it.. It will be disastrous’

Tycoon ‘You are a nice human. I respected you when I was in earth and now also when am in Mars.. so if you wish I can take you to Mars right away and we will make a big oil company.. Lots of opportunities there’

Job ‘I will do everything… but on one condition, don’t take all the oil away… let us strike a deal’

Tycoon ‘What?’

Job ‘I will convince the world using media to save fuel for one day. No transportation, No generators, all most full shut down for 1 day every week and that oil I can transfer to Mars.. Of course will need to hold talks with all the big wigs in global community..

Tycoon ‘Ok do attempt’

Soon Job holds press conferences and it becomes official need globally to control oil spends and a mandatory 1 day across world as ‘No OIl Day’..

After a year, Tycoon calls up Job..

Tycoon ‘Hi Job how are you doing?’

Job ‘You tell me,,  the world has stopped using fuel for a day in a week’

Tycoon ‘Don’t worry Job.. Mars doesn’t need too much oil.. It is a top secret between you and me, I will tell you the location where the oil is.. only when people make it a habit in them to save oil and gas at least 1 day in a week’

Job ‘Till when you plan to be in Mars’

Tycoon ‘Not sure.. but have begun liking the place’

Job ‘I will wish to visit it after a few years’

Tycoon ‘Most welcome, till then am just exploring all types of opportunities there are in search of various mines’

Job ‘Sure I can help you.. take care’