Story line

Frank as a director keeps thinking how scripts can be made more crisp and engaging audience is most important.. he calls his script writers to think of a story line which is unique and great..

Frank ‘lost and found, crime drama. chase humor, slapstick comedy, horror, revenge, love story.. have had enough of all that.. think of something new’

Jane ‘a 5 aged girl’s journey across globe and how she helps uniting all nations?’

Frank ‘are you crazy.. is this a plot?’

Jane ‘why not.. a web serial..  150 odd countries.. each country around 10 episodes.. why not 1500 episode serials..   it may continue for years”

Frank ‘why not 0 year, 1 year.. 2 year kid??’

Jane ‘because by age 5.. kid begins understanding characters’

Frank ‘it will be a very expensive serial’

Jane ‘why not… Hollywood can afford it’

Frank ‘common… it is expensive for them too’

Jane ‘we always make movies on problems,. dramatize it.. show results.. but have we ever made movies on solutions.. not many right’

Frank is silent

Jane ‘so do think over it.. else…’

Frank ‘what…’

Jane ‘PASSION FRAMEWORK will begin this… ‘

Frank ‘blogging is different.. writing story for entrepreneurship is different.. why will he wish to change focus’

Jane ‘may be if time permits.. story begins… may be there will be a mix of entrepreneurship and love.. may be some thing..  not sure’

Frank ‘let us see what happens next’


Why Did I not think about it first?

Rose regrets her decision to not start rose nursery even after her father pestered her to do so as he had huge acres of land..

Rose’s friend Claudia takes clue from Rose’s father and starts a nursery..

Rose wishes to be a high profile model and wants to be in hollywood…

A  year earlier

Rose ‘I do want to get the assignment at any cost.. Willing to compromise too’

Agent Rob is silent..

Rob ‘The hollywood producers are tough nut to crack’

Rose ‘Inform them everything available free from my side for this assignment’

Rob calls up production office and informs Rose ‘Good News everything is managed’

Rose meets Producer GoldSmith at his bungalow.. and that night Rose is happy that she is now in path of achievement..

GoldSmith gives her a small role in his new film COMPROMISE..

Rose calls up her friend Claudia and gives her the good news..

Claudia informs her that she has set a good nursery and Rose’s father is guiding her on all the tricks of business’

Rose is happy for Claudia..

2 months later the production is scrapped as GoldSmith runs into finance issues..

Rose is dejected and sad.. but she is now determined to struggle her way in LA..

She gets an offer from India by a producer for an ‘ITEM SONG’…

Rose agrees.. and she visits India..

There she realizes that Casting Couch system exists much more then anticipated.. She is clueless and helpless’

She calls Claudia and shares all her problems..

Claudia ‘return back.. with your father’s help I got into exports.. We are doing well.. you become my partner’

Rose ‘what about my dreams?’

Claudia ‘unrealistic dreams do not take you anywhere unless you are determined and lucky.. here you have everything’

Rose ‘No.. am not interested’


Rose suddenly realizes she is getting a call…

She picks up the call and gets news from her agent Rob

Rob ‘The production is getting revived and you have also got a plum role now as the heroine.. Sir has called you immediately to US’

Rose is delighted

Rose ponders ‘Life is a compromise..  I should have been with Claudia.. but she has challenged my dream so.. let me think at least now and ensure I get plum roles if at i have to sell myself’

Back home Claudia wins the best entrepreneur award and Rose sends her a big congratulation gift..


Following PASSION the right way is good for health.


Roney is an industrialist who has just announced a corpus of US$1000M for promoting entrepreneurship.

There is a big buzz around and his news is flashed all over..

Soon he finds many investment houses reaching out to him to manage the funds.. Banks/ Private Equity Partners / VC / Angel Investors / Angel Group almost all in industry rush out to check who is Roney?

Roney ‘This fund arises out of selling my gold mine in Africa .and you know.. i wish to contribute to entrepreneurship’

Ahmed from UK who is an investment banking CEO ‘Hope this is not another scam’

Louisa ‘Of course it is.. we have been invited for a big event in Marriot and looking at the splendor and almost all packed in this house.. don’t you feel we are looking like charity seekers or some one from NGO sector’

Francis begins laughing.. “Yes am from Mexico.. I suspect it is a SCAM’

Xiang from China.. ‘No i feel he would have made money by selling all the gold mines to some Prime Minister of a country’

All roar in laughter..

Roney arrives at Dias and to everyone’s surprise  almost all Ambassadors of the world are seen on stage… 120 country resources..

Nancy ‘Hey amazing.. first time I have seen such a huge event’

Ravi ‘Yes..but they have not put appropriate lighting arrangements in stage..Just cannot see faces clearly’

Roney ‘Welcome to launch our first big fund’

Compere announces a dance..

All are left wide open in their mouth when they see all top actors and actresses of hollywood, bollywood and all international celebrities almost 100 dancing on the launch

‘Funds oh Funds.. Universe needs Funds.. Funda of Funda..  Money o Money…Billions of Life

Money o Money.. Save Universe.. Save People.. Grow People.. Grow Entrepreneurs’

Some even check in google if indeed all are ambassadors… and they do look one..

Roney ‘Whomsoever interested in fund allocations will need to deposit US$1M as guarantee and give a projection of entrepreneurs’

All look at each other..

Ahmed ‘Almost unfair.. how can we show them 100 entrepreneurs and then seek US$100M.. Not possible.. for all you know the entrepreneurs themselves will be thugs’

Xiang ‘Smart guy.. He is trying to prove something’

Jas ‘Let us check how it moves’

The show ends and folks are eating food in Dinner..

Robert an International Ambassador moves near Roney and asks

‘Is the funds true or you have taken some huge loan to launch this event?’

Roney ‘Why would someone spend US$50M only on this event?’

Robert ‘What????’

Roney ‘Between us.. check on the magic soon’

1 week later..

Almost all over the world huge recruitment drives have begun..

Walk in Interviews to be Entrepreneurs

Entire industry gets harassed.. Employees moving to become Entrepreneurs..

Entrepreneurs again attempting to seek funds..

Thorough confusion.. and over 1 Million resources apply around the world to be entrepreneurs..

Back in US,  Roney is discussing with his Fund Manager Tom

Tom ‘Sir.. 1 Million folks wish to be entrepreneurs’

Roney ‘Blinkers.. Blinkers and Blinkers.. Do you really feel it works this way… How many have applied for social causes’

Tom ‘<15%’

Roney ‘That is the catch.. For profit is a misused term.. All come up with some models and projected success. Where is the impact’

Tom ‘Sir.. the investment houses have begun taking entrepreneurship coaching seriously’

Roney smiles…

Roney ‘They better do that..  Professional teaching mandatory.. No one should get just carried away with funds or invest mindlessly’

Tom ‘From where you got so much fund’

Roney ‘Do you feel RobinHood Stories were only fictions?  Did you not read the news that the Swiss Banks were on strike?’

Tom ‘What?’

Roney ‘Unaccounted wealth and you know how it works ‘

Roney smiles and says ‘To catch Robin, it is MISSION IMPOSSIBLE…  Now please do not ask me how could I influence so many people’

Tom ‘How??’

Roney ‘I was just kidding.. don’t get scared… Indeed all the gold mines have been sold to few investors and as broker have made US$70M..  50M gone the drain.. Am soon announcing 20M for Social Work Ventures’

Tom ‘This sounds like a movie’

Roney ‘Entertainment.. Entertainment and Entertainment’

Emotional Games

Sarah ‘I will never ever fall in love and will remain single for rest of my life if you don’t decide today’

Jose ‘My wife exists, kids exist.. not possible. Much as I love you..’

Sarah slashes her waist and pool of blood

Jose rushes her to Doctor..

Doctor Martin ‘Is she married to you?’

Jose ‘No’

Martin ‘It is police case’

Jose ‘Please help me..’

Martin ‘Only if you invest US$100000 for a venture’

Jose is shocked..

Martin ‘It is for a game on EMOTIONS’

Jose ‘What?’

Martin dresses up Sarah and keeps interacting with Jose

Martin ‘Like her.. my daughter was victim of an emotional game played by her boy friend.. He took her into confidence and promised to marry her and would tell some stories of his disturbed family background. Made her emotional and then left her’

Jose ‘Where is she?’

Martin ‘I can invest on her easily.. but she wanted a victim to fund it so that the victim echoes her sentiments’

Jose ‘Ok.. I will. You have been our family doctor and am a celebrity and this girl has been a crazy fan whom I took liking for assuming she too needed love.. I admit I was thinking of a casual fling.. but now it is serious’

Martin ‘Emotional games is a set of games which takes a person through simulated self realization of does and don’ts. It shows visually your internal nervous system and how your decisions are impacting which part of body’

Jose ‘Who in earth imagined this.. Is it workable’

Martin ‘PASSION FRAMEWORK talks of fiction , impossible, remote dimensions of parameters impacting human and in turn entrepreneurs.. Want to help them too if it succeeds’

Jose ‘I still am reeling.. It means if someone says I LOVE YOU…it will show which part of body gets impacted.. If I say ‘I love you and may be kiss a person.. it will depict new organs being impacted’.

Martin ‘It will show how many times you abuse your body in a day’

Sarah gain consciousness

Sarah  ‘Where am I?’

Jose  ‘Nothing dear.. I thought it was typical Bollywood Hollywood story where a hero may fall in that emotional trap but here am in between a serious business proposal… I have thought of gifting you a game soon’

Sarah ‘Oh thanks.. I love you too much.. next time I will  commit suicide  if you decide to leave me’

Jose ‘Promise you wont till the game is not completed…  You are the key sample of this game’

Sarah ‘Thanks for making me remain part of your life.. I love you too much’

sarah kisses Jose on his lips.. and Jose is extending hand to Martin with a whisper ‘EMOTIONAL GAMES’

My fans want me to only dance, so am doing Item Song

Angel “I just cannot help, the more I try to break from my stereotype projects, I am more landing onto it.. All want safe model. No one wishes to see me in serious role”

Bob “Angel you are good in dancing you need to perform this item song for us”

Angel “Item Song? Where?”

Bob “Bollywood top producer willing to pay you US$1M for this song.. Not a bad deal”

Angel “What should I do?”

Bob :”Shake yourself a bit, look at camera pout and keep shaking self to loud music”

Angel begins laughing

Angel “You can ask me to dance Italian, Spanish, Salsa, Break Dance, what is this type of dancing?”

Bob “Will forward you some video links of top models and actresses in Bollywood”

Angel “No wonder Hollywood and Bollywood are absolute difference. I just cannot imagine an item song in Hollywood Movie”

Bob “You will be surprised, Eve is planning to have a similar bum shaking dance introduced during climax of James Bond movie”

Angel “Where will that dance sequence be?”

Bob “Cruise and Action sequences behind..”

Angel ‘Interesting.. who has got that assignment”

Bob “Angel, I have told Eve to shell for you US$2M, only 5 minute dance”

Angel “Not again”

Bob “Do it, Do what audience wants from you, pursue creativity hobby separately. All wont get what they wish. How you earn money is important”

Angel sighs and shakes her bum and goes to the rest room